and gentlemen! We are greeting you!
Each of you is trying to achieve success or maybe
you have succeeded in life already. All day long you
hear the feverish tramping of myriad feet- all hurry
somewhere, all are indrawn in unrestrained rush, all
come exhausted, hands are shaking, knees are
trembling, hearts are beating amuck and no peace for
soul- success is still far away after all and
fortune is escaping from you.
Stop for a moment please, just catch your breath,
look at yourself, take a look at those bustling
people who stumble and fall down rushing past along
the road of life.
So perhaps happiness is a pensive face, or delicate
hand, propping up the head or maybe a pair of tender
eyes bleared by tears looking backward in the past
and showed dark in the shady time alley?
The only question is: where is that past, where is
that shady alley of time? Yes, all correct!
Remember the address: Zvenigorod (38 km from Moscow
to the west), Savvino – Storozhevsky monastery,
“Taiga Dachas”- “Svyazist” rest home. Exactly here,
in silence, standing under the blinking vault of
heaven you will realize that man merits more than
gets from life.
The river length between the exit from Zvenigorod
and Savvino- Storozhevsky monastery is very scenic.
Here you may spend a month, a year and still will
not be delighted enough in beauty of the landscape.
It is that certain place where you should dream
about the past days and faces fallen into oblivion
and about things which could happen but had not
happened, damn it!
At the entry to the mountain you will see a lodge
made from the thick pine logs. It seems the old
Russian hero Iliya Mourometz will go to meet you
right now. You come to the main building and find
yourself on the fairy meadow – Baba Yaga`s hut with
a real stove and black cat on the roof, Zmey
Gorynych (Russian Dragon) and Baba Yaga in the
Chekhov Dacha
It takes you to the unforgettable atmosphere of
those remote days when from May till October half of
Moscowers came to summer dachas. Each flat has its
own unique style. All of them have halls,
living-rooms, bedrooms with double bed, bathrooms
and kitchens. Some houses are two-leveled. Some of
them also have
atticks where you may sit in the evenings. These
houses are surrounded by vivid garden and very old
Arkhangelsk Dacha.
A house with 8 suits- 4 single-leveled and 4
two-leveled. Each suit includes living-room,
parental bedroom, children bedroom, lavatory with
shower, hall, lobby and open terrace. All the suits
are alight well because of the house position.
These huts are built without a single nail.
The image and spirit of real Taiga dwelling will
make you remember this cozy place and will attract
you again and again.
Forest Outskirts of Town.
This group of houses consists of five carpentered
peasant log huts (izbaz) surrounded by pine forest
where the century trees grow. It is an ideal place
for those who look for solitude. Each house includes
two-level living-room with polati (entresols for
children or guests), chimney, bedroom and lavatory.
Inside there are many of original hand-made things
a-la antique: chimneys, furniture, lamps. All of
them made from different kinds of wood. Each house
formed in its very manner. Each has its own
Hunting Hut.
Five carpentered houses are hidden deep in the heavy
forest. The best variant for those who want to stay
face to face with nature and feel the real
atmosphere of hunting lair. In every house you may
find Russian stove and stove-bench, chimney,
deck-chairs hanging on chains, table and bench,
modern lavatory and original village
Paths from the large boulders put together leading
to each house. Big table with benches which made
from halves of huge logs stand beside. Moreover
every house is original in its own way and differs
from others.
Taiga Farm.
Consists of 10 massive loghouses surrounded by the
forest. Nearby each house there are fireplace,
benches for rest and pile of logs. Near another
there are a bath-house, a hayloft and a summer
kitchen-stove. Each house has its own unique
These houses for people who wish to restore their
roots and live as they dreamt: freely and truly.
They are for those who do not stand vanity, who got
the real beauty of life and know the price of human
There are 4 types of houses:
A house with gallery – 3 Sisters. The 1 floor
includes an open terrace, two lighted living-room
with a kitchen and chimney, a bathroom and a bedroom
with double bed.
On the 2 floor there are two bedrooms with balconies
and double and single beds, a bathroom and a small
living-room with open terrace.
A house “3 Chimneys”- twins.
The 1 floor includes hall, living room with chimney
and dining-room, gallery, kitchen, bathroom for
guests, bedroom with double bed, chimney and
On the 2 floor there are bedroom with double bed,
chimney and bathroom and library.
Winter cabin – two-leveled house with a sitting room
where there are chimney, kitchen, and stairs to the
2 floor, bedroom with individual entry to the
bathroom, bedroom for guests (2 floor) and study or
A house “Pakhta”- a house-farm with a living-room
with duplex chimney in the center, with a kitchen,
dining-room and bedroom, with a stove and stove-
bench hanging on chains.
The fancy of banya (bath) have a nice opportunity to
steam in bath “banya po-belomu”- traditional Russian
banya made from larch and having a chimney
sitting-room. The real experts and banya-lovers may
steam in legendary bath “banya po-chernomu”.
And after banya it is time to turn in, although you
should understand well that all you have seen here
is just a small piece of that which is lying ahead.
After all exactly here the XXI century has left
We are waiting for you, Ladies and Gentlemen! |